Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Elusive Swallowtail

For days, I have been trying to photograph a visiting Swallowtail Butterfly, but she is both skittish and very busy flitting from flower to flower and uncurling her long, long proboscis in search of nectar. 
It is amazing that the proboscis, at full extension, is as long as the antennae and, at rest, is neatly curled up.  I have not witnessed, close up and personal, the curled proboscis.  Will keep looking.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Eyes That Amaze

Often, I wonder what such large eyes can take in.  Apparently, the insect brain can compile multiple images into one image, but what would the image be?  A fish-eye view of the world?  A magnified view of predators?  A vision of the perfect flower?  Amazing green eyes!


Sunday, July 21, 2013

A Spider Mystery

It is a mystery to me that a bright yellow spider would find a matching colored flower to call home.
Does anyone know the answer?

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Spiders in the Garden

As much as I tend to jump back from spiders, it is difficult not to delight in their colorations and intricate patterns, all designed to camouflage them in their chosen plants and webs.  And, they prey on plant destroying insects - go spiders, go! 


This post is dedicated to my friend, Domy, who HATES spiders!  Couldn't resist!

Monday, July 15, 2013

The Pavlovian Dilemma

We have been watching the antics of two baby crows whose parents thought that a great way to teach the babies to fly was to bribe them with food.  If the young crows fly toward a parent, they will be rewarded with food.  But, seriously, the parents have out-smarted themselves.  Even although the babies can fly just fine now, they still want to be rewarded!  They find an open spot, open their very red mouths and "scream" for food.  The parents are exhausted and are now trying to break the pattern!  The predators are just waiting for the next move hoping the parents will just leave those spoiled young crows in the open to teach them that enough is enough!