Friday, February 28, 2014

Fruits and Vegetables from Around the World: Hong Kong

While producing a Grannies à Gogo recipe book, Salad Bowls for Sharing,  it strikes me how fortunate we are that local and world produce converge in our favorite local outlets. 
We have, at hand, the tastes and flavors of the world's food basket. 
We have all countries, all seasons and all climates coming together in our produce markets.

Hong Kong

A Fresh Fruit Stall between The Ladies Market and The Godlfish Market

Fruits and Vegetables From Around the World: Thailand

While producing a Grannies à Gogo recipe book, Salad Bowls for Sharing,  it strikes me how fortunate we are that local and world produce converge in our favorite local outlets. 
We have, at hand, the tastes and flavors of the world's food basket. 
We have all countries, all seasons and all climates coming together in our produce markets.

Shopping on the Klongs in Bangkok

Photos Taken from a Tuk Tuk in Bangkok, Thailand


Fruit and Vegetable Markets Around the World: Cambodia

While producing a Grannies à Gogo recipe book, Salad Bowls for Sharing,  it strikes me how fortunate we are that local and world produce converge in our favorite local outlets. 
We have, at hand, the tastes and flavors of the world's food basket. 
We have all countries, all seasons and all climates coming together in our produce markets.

Produce is transported across the border - Thailand to Cambodia.

Rural Cambodia

Moving Markets - The Floating Village on Boeng Tonle Sap


Fruit and Vegetable Markets Around the World: Vietnam

While producing a Grannies à Gogo recipe book, Salad Bowls for Sharing,  it strikes me how fortunate we are that local and world produce converge in our favorite local outlets. 
We have, at hand, the tastes and flavors of the world's food basket. 
Truly, we have all countries, all seasons and all climates coming together in our produce markets.
