Sunday, November 24, 2013

Turkey: The Largest Amphitheatre We Explored

The Great Theatre at Ephesus
The Great Theatre is located on the slope of Panayir Hill, opposite the Harbour Street, the south entrance to Ephesus.  It was first constructed in the Hellenistic Period, 3rd century BC, but enlarged during the Roman period.  With a capacity of 25,000, it was certainly the largest theatre we saw.

The cavea has 66 rows of seats, divided by two diazoma into three horizontal sections.  In the lower section, marble pieces and the Emperor's Box were found.  The seats with backs, made of marble, were reserved for important people.  The audience entered from the upper cavea.  The stage building is three storied and 18 meters high.  The façade facing the audience was ornamented with reliefs, columns with niches, windows and statues, giving the theatre a bigger, monumental look.

The massive size of the theatre is more apparent when looking back north from Harbour Street.  The Ephesus Theatre was used not only for concerts and plays, but also for religious, political and philosophical discussions and for gladiator and animal fights.

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